Get yourNihongo name
MayMEI is a personalized Japanese name design service by Native Japanese.
100% Certified by Japanese.
Available over 20 languages.
Not only for humans.
Your name in natural Japanese.
Designed and celified by native exparts.Currenly avaiable in English, Español, Português, Deutsch, Français, 汉语, 한국어, Tiếng Việt, Bahasa Indonesia, हिन्दी, Italiano, Türkçe, العربية, Русский, اُردُو, ภาษาไทย, Nederlands, Svenska, Polski, বাংলা and more!
A phonetic script used primarily for native Japanese words and grammatical elements. Some Japanese people has their first names only Hiragana.
A phonetic script used mainly for foreign words, loanwords, and names of foreign people or places.
Logographic characters, each carrying both meaning and sound. Japanese names typically use kanji, which have multiple readings, and the specific pronunciation for names can vary widely.
Why MayMEI?
Get a Japanese name that truly fits you — no weird meanings!We will design your kanji name based on your preferences, hobbies, and interests. In Japan, the kanji that can be used for names are regulated, and it is possible to create a name using only those kanji.
Avoid using inappropriate kanji
Examples of names created using kanji that are unsuitable for names or have strange meanings.
Afterlife, darkness, death
Eye stomach
Our Works
See how we bring names to life in Japanese!

Is your language supported?
Support over 20 languagesd.Currenly avaiable in English, Español, Português, Deutsch, Français, 汉语, 한국어, Tiếng Việt, Bahasa Indonesia, हिन्दी, Italiano, Türkçe, العربية, Русский, اُردُو, ภาษาไทย, Nederlands, Svenska, Polski, বাংলা, and more!
Please feel free to if your language is not supported.
Pick a plan and get your Japanese name!Our design store will come soon!
Get your pursonalized itmes designed by Japanese designers.
Available in mid 2025.
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